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TEST Label Kitten, your email labeling friend

Master Your Inbox. Effortlessly

Automate email organization with smart categorization and labeling. Save time, reduce stress.

Find the stuff that matters, gather the clutter. Combine for powerful sorting

Many default labels, add custom labels for more power!

You will get these labels in your gmail, and labels automatically added to your emails

Sign up now for 30 free emails categorized, no credit card required.

How it works

Why Choose

Trusted by 6 users


Free: 30 emails categorized on signup for free, no credit card required

Email Packs

Categorize new, and old, email. 1 token = 1 email fully categorized.

Ready to Take Control of Your Inbox

Sign up now for 30 free emails categorized

How to use the labels

When you have purchased, and started processing, your emails will start to have labels on them.

Now you are ready to start handling everything! So how, and what?

For instance, let's look at PROMOTIONS, Gmail label LabelKitten/PROMOTION

PROMOTION label example
You will see things like this

Here you can immediately take action. For instance, delete the emails you do not want.

🎯 Narrow your search to find actionable email

Perhaps PROMOTIONS isn't narrow enough. Add another label in the search! Gmail label LabelKitten/PROMOTION and NEWSLETTER

PROMOTION label example
Make your search actionable!

Combine labels to get more out of them. Here are some examples?